Intellectual capital investigation techniques as the key trigger of the sustainable long-term company development

  • Эльвина Рифхатовна Байбурина НИУ ВШЭ
Keywords: intellectual capital


The significant difference between both fair and book value of the most successful companies is ever more and more investigated last years in Russia. The Russian emerging market tends to develop its own best practice way according to the general features of the new economy. However the management of the largest Russian companies experiences the lack of the goal-oriented intellectual capital (IC) investigation, accumulation and development mechanisms. Thus, it could change the whole value creation process first of all aimed at the sustainable and dynamic growth. The standard widespread indicators, such as EPS, WACC etc., presented in most of reporting systems fail to explain the real current status and real potential of the company taking into consideration its strategic context. The brief of widespread IC investigation techniques of developed markets is presented in this article. The main idea of such techniques is to create the sustainable business-model with the vivid and flexible intellectual capital as the key element . Accordingly, the successful integration of the intangibles in the process of the long-term competitive advantage creation is the main goal if those IC investigation techniques. Another important goal of such techniques is the implementation of innovative practice in the value management process. In general, it defines the success and the timing of strategic changes.


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How to Cite
БайбуринаЭ. Р. (2010) “Intellectual capital investigation techniques as the key trigger of the sustainable long-term company development”, Journal of Corporate Finance Research | ISSN: 2073-0438, 1(3), pp. 85-101. doi: 10.17323/j.jcfr.2073-0438.1.3.2007.85-101.