Financial Architecture and Corporate Performance: Evidence from Russia

Keywords: corporate performance, emerging capital markets, financial architecture


Authors: Kokoreva Maria Sergeevna - assistant professor, lecturer, HSE Higher School of Economics, deputy head of the school of finance, researcher of the scientific and educational laboratory of corporate finance, director of the joint educational program for the preparation of bachelors in the direction of "Economics" USU and HSE. E-mail:

Anastasia N. Stepanova National Research University The Higher School of Economics,

In this paper we study the performance effects of capital structure, ownership structure choices and corporate governance mechanisms of Russian companies. To address the lack of research in corporate performance modeling in emerging markets we contribute to the literature by introducing cluster analysis of financial architecture and market performance of Russian companies. Our idea is to find out the efficient and inefficient types of financial architecture in emerging markets. On the sample of 50+ largest Russian nonfinancial companies within the period of 2005-2010 years we demonstrate the existence of three sustainable types of financial architecture in Russia. Using cluster analysis we form the cluster of companies in pre-crisis period and then demonstrate the relationship between the financial architecture type and the level of corporate market performance.


How to Cite
KokorevaM. and StepanovaA. (2012) “Financial Architecture and Corporate Performance: Evidence from Russia”, Journal of Corporate Finance Research | ISSN: 2073-0438, 6(2), pp. 34-44. doi: 10.17323/j.jcfr.2073-0438.6.2.2012.34-44.
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