Author guide

Journal of Corporate Finance Research is an electronic journal that welcomes manuscripts written in either English or Russian. Briefly, in order for a manuscript to be accepted for publication in the journal, it must meet all the traditional requirements of an academic publication: It is supposed to possess novelty, contain a problem statement, have a well-defined structure, and it should actively engage the current scientific literature. Submissions should be prepared in accordance with the following rules: manuscripts should not contain substantial elements of material that has been published or accepted for publication elsewhere.

Requirements to the manuscript design

The length of the manuscript should not be more than 40,000 characters with spaces.
The cover page of the submission should contain the following information:

  • Title of the article:
    • Title should be informative, i.e., reflect the main content of the article, and not exceed 8–10 words.
  • Information about the authors including:
    • surname and first name of the author(s);
    • title, affiliation and position fully (unabridged) of each author;
    • full name of the organization – the place of work of each author and full postal address of the organization;
    • e-mail address of each author.
  • Abstract (250-300 words):
    The recommended length is 2200-2300 characters with spaces, but not more than 2500.  The abstract should be informative, not descriptive, and characterize clearly the differences between the article and previous works in this area. 
     It should contain specific information about the following elements of the article: key research issues of the article; the methodology used and its originality / or a link to the use of specific approaches of other authors, indicating the names; information about the number of objects of observation, period, country, industry characteristics (for articles of an empirical type); explanation of the contribution to the available literature in the form of new results obtained (scientific novelty); model constraints (if present). 
  • Key words (not less than 6):

 is input in Microsoft Word and set in a serif typeface (Times Roman typeface) at a font size of 12 points. The main text needs to be formatted according to the following rules: justified width; left and right indents equal to zero; no hanging indentations; zero interval before the paragraph and 6 point interval after the paragraph; line-to-line spacing equal to one.

Other requirements:

  • Mathematical formulas should be drawn in through the MathType equation editor. The numbering of formulas should be placed on the right side of the page. 
  • Graphic material should be submitted in a separate annex file in the EXCEL format. Each illustration in the text should have a caption.
  • Tables that are inserted from MS Word, must be formatted, numbered and bear the name of the table.
  • References to other publications must be similar to the Vancouver style. 


Ohlson J.A. Financial ratios and the probabilistic prediction of bankruptcy. Journal of Accounting Research.1980;18 (1):109-131.

Makeeva E.U., Neretina E.A. Binary model versus discriminant analysis relating to corporate bankruptcies: The case of Russian construction industry. Journal of Accounting, Finance and Economics2013;3(1):65-76.

Altman E.I., Marco G., Varetto F. Corporate distress diagnosis: Comparisons using linear discriminant analysis and neural network (the Italian experience).Journal of Banking and Finance.1994;18(3):505-529. DOI: 10.1016/0378-4266(94)90007-8

Cho S., Kim J., Bae J.K. An integrative model with subject weight based on neural network learning for bankruptcy prediction. Expert Systems with Applications.2009;36(1):403-410. DOI: 10.1016/j.eswa.2007.09.060