The Transformation of Intellectual Capital in Company’s Value in the Knowledge Economy

Keywords: intellectual capital, asset structure, value added, return on intellectual capital, value creation


Authors: Marina Alexandrovna Oskolkova National Research University The Higher School of Economics

Julia N. Naydenova - National Research University "Higher School of Economics." Email:

Awareness of corporate value growth importance for all stakeholders as well as strengthening of intangible assets’ role in the process of value creation makes it necessary to study the mechanism of intellectual capital transformation in the resulting indicators. However existing studies show poor de1velopment of methods for measuring of value created by the components of company’s intellectual capital which makes analysis of the effectiveness of its use and impose limitations on value management. This paper is devoted to theoretical review and formulation of the problems for further analysis of value creation and destruction as a result of using both tangible and intangible assets.


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How to Cite
НайденоваЮ. Н. and ОсколковаМ. А. (2011) “The Transformation of Intellectual Capital in Company’s Value in the Knowledge Economy”, Journal of Corporate Finance Research | ISSN: 2073-0438, 5(2), pp. 92-98. doi: 10.17323/j.jcfr.2073-0438.5.2.2011.92-98.

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