Sustainable Growth of Companies from Emerging Capital Markets: Empirical Analysis

  • Ирина Васильевна Ивашковская Board of Tenured Professors; Department of Economics and Finances of the Firm; Corporate Finance Center
  • Ольга Александровна Волотовская НИУ ВШЭ
Keywords: emerging capital markets, sustainable growth, economic profit, total shareholder return


Authors: Irina V. Ivashkovskaya National Research University The Higher School of Economics

Olga Alexandrovna Volotovskaya National Research University The Higher School of Economics 

The article develops the original methodology for corporate growth analysis by means of author’s sustainable growth indices derived from the economic profit criteria. We use the sample of the firms from different industries in 14 emerging capital markets. We show that sustainable growth indices have high explanatory power for understanding total shareholder returns and for forecasting its long run trends.


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How to Cite
ИвашковскаяИ. В. and ВолотовскаяО. А. (2013) “Sustainable Growth of Companies from Emerging Capital Markets: Empirical Analysis”, Journal of Corporate Finance Research | ISSN: 2073-0438, 6(4), pp. 5-31. doi: 10.17323/j.jcfr.2073-0438.6.4.2012.5-31.
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