Relational Capital as a Driver of a Company’s Success

Keywords: relational capital, company’s value, comparative advantage, knowledge creation, accumulation and exchange process, knowledge flows, mediator


Authors: Anna Andreevna Bykova National Research University The Higher School of Economics

Evgenia Vladimirovna Morkovkina National Research University The Higher School of Economics

This paper presents the results of the study related to investigation of relational capital influence on a company’s value. Relational capital is regarded not just as the company’s relationship framework but also as an issue closed to social capital which implies extracting implicit knowledge, ideas, innovations and decisions. This allows us to analyze an impact that this kind of capital has on the company’s value indirectly that is through knowledge creation, accumulation and exchange process. The results show that relational capital could be considered as the enhancer of the knowledge creation, its extraction and implementation hidden in the company’s external relations. Moreover, it could be able becoming a driver of the company’s value growth even without the company’s orientation on knowledge management.


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How to Cite
БыковаА. А. and МорковкинаЕ. В. (2014) “Relational Capital as a Driver of a Company’s Success”, Journal of Corporate Finance Research | ISSN: 2073-0438, 7(4), pp. 19-36. doi: 10.17323/j.jcfr.2073-0438.7.4.2013.19-36.
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