Publication Ethics

Publishing ethics

The Journal of Corporate Finance Research is a peer-reviewed scientific publication that publishes original scientific articles in English. The editorial board and editorial staff follow the international standards established by the Committee on Publication Ethics, COPE. The requirements for editorial ethics are valid at all stages of publishing and apply to all its participants: editors, authors and reviewers.

1. Duties of editors

  1.1 The editor-in-chief and the editorial board select articles for publication by evaluating exclusively their scientific value, their compliance with the requirements and topics of the journal, irrespective of the author’s identity, race, citizenship, political and religious views, and other factors not directly related to their scientific work. When making a decision, the chief editor is guided by the scientific significance of the article and the reliability of the data presented. The publication of articles is free of charge.

  1.2 The editors undertake not to disclose data on manuscripts to anyone except the authors, potential reviewers, and other scientific consultants. To ensure blind peer review procedure, manuscripts are sent to reviewers without contact details and affiliation of author/s.

  1.3 Editors do not disclose or use information and ideas obtained in the course of reviewing articles for personal gain. The publication of an article on the journal’s website takes place with the written consent of the author.

  1.4 All materials received by the editorial office of the journal are tested in the Anti-Plagiarism system. If the share of borrowings exceeds 20%, the article is not accepted for publication and is returned to the author.

  1.5 In case of detection of gross errors and inaccuracies in the published works, the editorial office is obliged to publish a correction, refutation or clarification as soon as possible.

  1.6 If the study of the author/s received financial support in any form, the editorial office, after being notified by the author, agrees to indicate information about such support in the publication.

2. Duties of reviewers

  2.1 The feedback of reviewers should be objective. Personal criticism of the author is unacceptable.

  2.2 Reviewers should not have a conflict of interest with respect to research, authors and / or research sponsors, and undertakes to refuse to review the manuscript if such a conflict exists.

  2.3 Reviewers should indicate relevant published works that are not referenced in the manuscript.

  2.4 The reviewer does not have the right, without the written consent of the author, to use in their own studies unpublished materials from the provided manuscript. Confidential information or ideas obtained during the review should not be disclosed by the reviewer or used by him for personal gain.

3. Duties of authors

  3.1 Authors are required to submit for consideration and publication exclusively new, original articles, which were not previously published in other journals. Violation of the rules enlisted in the Author Guidelines section of this website is not permitted. Only persons who have made a significant contribution to the writing of the scientific work proposed for publication are recognized as authors of the article.

  3.2 By sending the manuscript to the editorы, the author/s confirms that all the data contained in it are real and genuine.

  3.3 The author guarantees that works or statements by other authors are used with appropriate bibliographic references or citations. Plagiarism in any form is considered by the editors as unethical and unacceptable behavior.

  3.4 Authors are required to participate in the review process of manuscripts of other authors submitting materials for review.

  3.5 The author/s undertake to disclose the sources of financial support for the research project, as well as financial or other significant conflicts of interest that may be interpreted as factors that influenced the results or conclusions presented in the work.

3.6 If significant errors or inaccuracies are found in a published article, the author/s must inform the editor about them and help to correct the errors as quickly as possible.