Гармонизация экономических измерений как механизм обеспечения сопоставимости объектов инвестирования в условиях глобализации

  • Кульшария Оракпаевна Шаяхметова Finance Academy under the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • Арсений Сергеевич Крикунов MSU
Keywords: sustainable development, non-financial reporting, financial reporting, harmonization of accounting


The article is devoted to the increasing importance of non-financial reporting for sustainable development of the enterprise. The authors study the accounting harmonization process from the perspective of increasing the transparency and comparability of reporting, increasing the efficiency of global markets and international business facilitation as a whole. Close attention is paid to the standardization of reporting on corporate social responsibility (CSR) because of a wide spectrum of its users and due to the fact that the CSR standards can take different forms. The social balance is viewed as a support to the corporate balance which provides the realistic assessment by stakeholders. The paper proposes the author’s definition of social balance, the principles of its preparation through national, union and international concepts and special European normative references for sustainable development. The authors highlight issues of social and environmental factors of the enterprise activity in conjunction with the IFRS, noting that currently there is no international financial reporting standard, which exclusively dealt with environmental issues in corporate annual reports. So there is a growing need for a coordinated sustainability reporting standard or the adoption of a system of mutual standards recognition. In this regard, the analysis of best CSR practices involves the study of international non-financial reporting standards interaction. Focusing on such widely recognized CSR standards as GRI’s G4, AccountAbility’s AA1000-Stand-ard Principles and UN Global Compact COP, which include external reporting on social and environmental issues, along with ISO 26000, the authors conclude that their convergence or the adoption of a single harmonized global standard should consider which from existing CSR standards is the most viable. The article concludes by saying that the identified numerous collaborative efforts among organizations on the standardization of CSR reporting may represent itself an early phase of the convergence process


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How to Cite
ШаяхметоваК. О. and КрикуновА. С. (2017) “Гармонизация экономических измерений как механизм обеспечения сопоставимости объектов инвестирования в условиях глобализации”, Journal of Corporate Finance Research | ISSN: 2073-0438, 11(2), pp. 46-54. doi: 10.17323/j.jcfr.2073-0438.11.2.2017.46-54.
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