Corporate Taxation and Capital Structure: Evidence from Russia

  • Evgeny Ilyukhin York University the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies
Keywords: corporate income tax, capital structure, leverage, panel data analysis


The study aims to empirically analyze whether corporate taxation has an impact on firm capital structure decisions. The results, based on panel data on Russian private (non-listed), non-financial and non-state owned firms, show that taxation has a significant impact on firm financial leverage (negative in terms of long-term debt and positive in terms of equity). The smallest and largest firms of the sample respond more dramatically to effective tax rates. The results are robust according to the applied tests. Moreover, additional empirical results are obtained for the standard capital structure determinants (size, profitability, tangibility and liquidity of assets), which contribute to capital structure theories.


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How to Cite
IlyukhinE. (2017) “Corporate Taxation and Capital Structure: Evidence from Russia”, Journal of Corporate Finance Research | ISSN: 2073-0438, 11(2), pp. 7-14. doi: 10.17323/j.jcfr.2073-0438.11.2.2017.7-14.
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