Features Receivables Management in Electric Power Industry

  • Ирина Николаевна Батина The Ural Federal University named after the first Russian President Boris Yeltsin
  • Егор Станиславович Теплоухов Joint-Stock Company «Electric network company of Ekaterinburg»
Keywords: accounts receivable management, electric power industry, net profit, accounts payable, retrospective analysis, financial stability


The article is devoted receivables at the electric power industry. In this paper the characteristics of payment's delays and current position of accounts receivable at the electric power industry were analyzed. Based on the created econometric model there are factors such as net profit, accounts payable and cash. Which play a significant role in forecasting and receivables management.


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Author Biographies

Ирина Николаевна Батина, The Ural Federal University named after the first Russian President Boris Yeltsin

Docent of the academic department of Financial Management, Higher School of Economics and Management 

Егор Станиславович Теплоухов, Joint-Stock Company «Electric network company of Ekaterinburg»

Economist of the Economics Department

How to Cite
БатинаИ. Н. and ТеплоуховЕ. С. (2017) “Features Receivables Management in Electric Power Industry”, Journal of Corporate Finance Research | ISSN: 2073-0438, 11(2), pp. 55-69. doi: 10.17323/j.jcfr.2073-0438.11.2.2017.55-69.
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