Open Innovation Practices: Empirical research of firm’s innovation activity in Perm region


In this paper, we present results of study of interaction between interfirm cooperation in R&D and indicators of firms’ financial productivity. We allocate some factors of cooperation based on the analysis of existing empirical researches, and then testify hypothesis with using the regression and correlation analysis for sample of 401 companies of the Perm region. Results have shown that the received conclusions as a whole correspond with foreign and Russian empirical papers. Some factors of cooperation (for example, participation in regional Business Associations, expenses for R&D, location within agglomeration) on the given sample make significant impact on productivity of companies’ activity. Nevertheless, such effect is weak enough, and such indicators as participation in joint venture projects have appeared not significant in all constructed models. Bykova Anna Andreevna. Research Assistant of Project Analysis Center.; Molodchik Mariya. Anatol’evna Associate Professor, HSE, Perm, Department of Economics Area.


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How to Cite
БыковаА. А. and МолодчикМ. А. (2010) “Open Innovation Practices: Empirical research of firm’s innovation activity in Perm region”, Journal of Corporate Finance Research | ISSN: 2073-0438, 3(3), pp. 77-93. doi: 10.17323/j.jcfr.2073-0438.3.3.2009.77-93.