Analysis of the Investment Activity and Innovative Achievements of Venture Companies in the Context of the Chinese Government’s Policy

  • Wu Yanfei
  • Li Mengran
  • Alexander Semenov
  • Ivan Rodionov
Keywords: Chinese government, venture capital, innovative achievements


For our research we chose Chinese GVC as representative data for global venture capital and studied the influence of the Chinese government on enterprise innovations through venture capital institutions against the background of the country’s economic and social environment in 2016–2022.
In this paper, we apply regression analysis methods, aiming to study the impact of official venture capital data on the indicators of enterprises’ innovation success and to solve the existing problems in related fields. Regression analysis shows that GVC is a significant driver of innovation and has a certain attractive impact on non-GVC. The study demonstrated that direct venture investment has a greater stimulating influence on corporate innovation than the state’s implicit price subsidies. Topic studies showed that characteristic features of GVC were aligned with the China’s China’s macroeconomic development strategy in the investment field and that GVC was region-oriented.


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How to Cite
YanfeiW., MengranL., SemenovA. and RodionovI. (2022) “Analysis of the Investment Activity and Innovative Achievements of Venture Companies in the Context of the Chinese Government’s Policy”, Journal of Corporate Finance Research | ISSN: 2073-0438, 16(2), pp. 96-106. doi: 10.17323/j.jcfr.2073-0438.16.2.2022.96-106.
Corporate Financial Analytics