The Influence of Ownership Structure over Corporate Performance in Russia and Brazil

Keywords: corporate performance, corporate governance, financial architecture


The paper is based on the study devoted to the ownership structure impact on corporate performance through the integrated conception of corporate financial architecture. The object of the study is top Russian and Brazilian public non-financial companies in the end of crisis 2008 year. First of all, we contribute to the literature by applying the integrated approach to corporate performance modeling. Second, we study the changes in corporate governance mechanisms during the global crisis (2008) and their influence over strategic performance. Finally, we conducted cross-country analysis of performance models in two of four BRIC countries.


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How to Cite
МасленниковаМ. А. and СтепановаА. Н. (2010) “The Influence of Ownership Structure over Corporate Performance in Russia and Brazil”, Journal of Corporate Finance Research | ISSN: 2073-0438, 4(3), pp. 35-46. doi: 10.17323/j.jcfr.2073-0438.4.3.2010.35-46.
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