Behavioral Aspects of Capital Structure: Evidence from Russian Public Companies

  • Наиля Сергеевна Гайфутдинова
  • Мария Сергеевна Кокорева USU/HSE Joint Bachelor’s Programme in Economics; International College of Economics and Finance; Corporate Finance Center; Department of Economics and Finances of the Firm
Keywords: information cascades, market timing, financial leverage


Authors: Kokoreva Maria Sergeevna - assistant professor, lecturer, HSE Higher School of Economics, deputy head of the school of finance, researcher of the scientific and educational laboratory of corporate finance, director of the joint educational program for the preparation of bachelors in the direction of "Economics" USU and HSE. E-mail:

Naila Sergeevna Gaifutdinova - National Research University "Higher School of Economics"

The paper presents the results of empirical testing of behavioral capital structure concepts relevance for leverage choice made by Russian companies. Conducted on the sample of 50 large public companies the analysis revealed the insignificance of market timing theory. However the results show that information cascades and management overconfidence and optimism can partly explain the debt-to-equity choice of Russian companies.


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How to Cite
ГайфутдиноваН. С. and КокореваМ. С. (2011) “Behavioral Aspects of Capital Structure: Evidence from Russian Public Companies”, Journal of Corporate Finance Research | ISSN: 2073-0438, 5(3), pp. 44-58. doi: 10.17323/j.jcfr.2073-0438.5.3.2011.44-58.
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