Estimation of the provision profit growth of Russian firms by changing the approach to the formation of the cash surplus

  • Александр Степанович Боргояков Хакасский технический институт
Keywords: сashbalanceoffunds, solvent company, the creditworthinessof the company, turnover period ofshort-term debt


Authors:Alexander Stepanovich Borgoyakov

We estimate thereserveof profit growthof large andmedium-sizedRussian companies in2008–2011as a result ofchanges in the approachto the formation ofthe cashbalance of fundsof the company. This approach is basedon the factthat, to maintainits solvencyfirm should havefunds inthe settlement account inan amount sufficientto cover theurgent paymentsto when themoney from the bankor from the saleof assets.


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How to Cite
БоргояковА. С. (2013) “Estimation of the provision profit growth of Russian firms by changing the approach to the formation of the cash surplus”, Journal of Corporate Finance Research | ISSN: 2073-0438, 7(1), pp. 102-111. doi: 10.17323/j.jcfr.2073-0438.7.1.2013.102-111.
Corporate Financial Analytics