Event study methodology in M&A research: evidence from developed and emerging capital markets

  • Irina Skvortsova State Atomic Energy Corporation «Rosatom»
  • Evgeniy Ignatiev HSE
  • Elena Stelmakhova HSE
  • Sergey Proskurin HSE
  • Vyacheslav Kryhtin HSE
Keywords: company value, mergers and acquisitions, M&A efficiency, cumulative abnormal return (CAR), target company, acquiring company


Authors : Evgeny Leonidovich Ignatiev Jawf4aga@gmail.com

Elena Andreevna Stelmakhova estelmahova@gmail.com

Sergey S. Proskurin proskurin.s.s@gmail.com

Vyacheslav Borisovich Kryhtin v.krykhtin@gmail.com

The article contains an overview of contemporary empirical studies which analyze efficiency of mergers and acquisitions through event study methodology for developed and emerging capital markets. We analyze the main approaches to assessment of the impact of mergers and acquisitions on the company value including that of target firms and acquiring firms. 


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How to Cite
SkvortsovaI., IgnatievE., StelmakhovaE., ProskurinS. and KryhtinV. (2014) “Event study methodology in M&A research: evidence from developed and emerging capital markets”, Journal of Corporate Finance Research | ISSN: 2073-0438, 7(4), pp. 111-125. doi: 10.17323/j.jcfr.2073-0438.7.4.2013.111-125.