Does Insider Ownership Concentration Matter For Investment Performance In Emerging Markets?

Keywords: corporate performance, ownership concentration, insider ownership, investment performance, agency conflict, institutional ownership


This paper contributes to understanding the relationship between insider ownership and investment performance in emerging markets measured by marginal Tobin's Q. We will attempt to separate the positive wealth effect of managerial ownership from the negative entrenchment effect. The research analyses other determinants of corporate investment performance: institutional ownership, firm size and R&D intensity. The study was conducted on the sample of companies of Brazil, Russia, India and South Africa over 4-year period, 2009-2012.


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How to Cite
ЧеркасоваВ. А. and ДуняшеваР. Ф. (2014) “Does Insider Ownership Concentration Matter For Investment Performance In Emerging Markets?”, Journal of Corporate Finance Research | ISSN: 2073-0438, 8(2), pp. 4-19. doi: 10.17323/j.jcfr.2073-0438.8.2.2014.4-19.
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