Cash Management in Russian Metallurgical and Oil and Gas Companies
The problem of money management has remained relevant over the past years. The aim of the study is to assess the impact of debt and cash flow on the amount of cash on companies with and without financial constraints. The main hypothesis of the study is that the impact of debt and cash flow on the level of cash depends on financial constraints which were taken as two proxy variables – dividend payment and bond rating. To substantiate the hypothesis put forward, a regression model of the influence of debt and cash flow on the level of cash is built in the work.
For the analysis, large Russian companies in the metallurgical and oil and gas industries were sorted in accordance with financial constraints. Based on the results of the constructed regression model, the following conclusions can be drawn. Borrowed funds of companies negatively affect the amount of cash on the balance sheet, regardless of the presence and
type of financial constraints. Cash flow is not statistically significant for companies without financial constraints.
This study has some limitations. The research results can be useful for corporate CFOs in order to optimize cash balances.