Marta Herrero. “Auctions, Rituals and Emotions in the Art Market”

  • Наталия Комарова University of Amsterdam, PO Box 15508, Amsterdam, 1001NA, The Netherlands
Keywords: emotions, art market, auctions, interaction rituals


Marta Herrero employs the Collins’ theory of interaction rituals in her study of art auctions. By the example of the Irish sales in London the author demonstrates the influence of a pre-existing group membership on the creation of collective emotions during the performance of an auction ritual, on functioning of objects of art as material symbols representing a group and on the success of an auction as such.


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How to Cite
КомароваН. (2011). Marta Herrero. “Auctions, Rituals and Emotions in the Art Market”. Russian Sociological Review, 10(1-2), 79-82. Retrieved from
Cultural sociology