Research Directions in the Innovative Psychology of Reflexion in the Higher School of Economics
individuality, personality, meaning, creativity, personology, activity, psychology, consciousness, development, abilities, reflection, ethics, philosophy, pedagogics, scientific school, professionalism, research
The Psychology department of National Research University Higher School of Economics as one of the main centers of the Russian psychological science conducts many fundamental and applied studies of various agenda. One of the booming trends of contemporary science at the department is the research by some of its professors such frontier of human study as the psychology of reflection.The goal of the research: to pinpoint main (shown at the department) approaches to study reflection, explicate their conceptual bases and characterize theoretical and experimental achievements.Methodology of the research: historical, objective-thematic and methodological analysis of original works in the psychology of reflection, systemic-scientific and problematic-conceptual synthesis of theories and achievements in study of reflection.Results of the research: 1) in scientific plane, among some concrete research at the department, fairly dealing with the agenda of reflection, most fundamental works were pinpointed that compose the theoretical and experimental base of study acute problems of the contemporary psychology of reflection and building its generic concepts; 2) objective-thematic analysis of these concepts allowed qualifying their theoretical-experimental and practical-applied realization (as branching research, based on definite grounds and conducted with the original methods as a compendium of empirical, methodical and conceptual developments) as distinctly formed scientific schools, intensively developing in the contemporary psychology of reflection; 3) the emerged systemic-methodological problem of the systematic sorting of the detected – as a result of thematic analysis – the objective variety of these schools of scientific research on various areas of psychological reality of reflection required as its solution to build a logic of development of the problem field of the contemporary psychology of reflection, seen as a theoretically grounded sequence of its all the more ontologically complicating aspects, studied at the department; 4) exposed by us gnostic logic explicated the relationship of studied at the department aspects of reflection, phenomenologically appearing in following situations: perceptive actions in motor-creative acts (conception of the underlying reflection by V.P. Zinchenko); reflexive choice of personality (transactional conception of reflection by V.A. Petrovsky); reflexive regulation of productive thinking and goal-setting of personality in problematic and conflict situations (conception of reflexive psychology of creativity by I.N. Semenov); reflexive-meaning focus of orientation of the consciousness of personality (conception of psychology of meaning by D.A. Leontiev); altered states of consciousness (conception of reflexivity of unconsciousness by A.V. Rossohin); diagnostics of abilities (conception of reflexivity of personality and its intellectual and professional abilities by V.D. Shadrikov); reflexivity of creativity of culture (conception of reflexive-personological model of development of personality by E.B. Starovoytenko). The paper presents the forms of intra-departmental, inter-university, and international collaboration of the reviewed scientific schools of NRU HSE in psychological and interdisciplinary research and development of reflection.Conclusion: conducted in the article methodological analysis showed that pinpointed and characterized main conceptions of the contemporary Russian psychology of reflection are theoretically and methodically worked-through, experimentally and empirically verified, conceptually generalized, informatively presented, have applied significance for implementation of psychological knowledge (about the phenomena of reflection, its mechanisms, models and methods of diagnostics and development) into the social practice of education, management and consulting. Thus, the author established the scientific fact, according to which the analyzed concepts appear as the theoretical nucleus of the scientific schools in the area of study of the psychology of reflection, as they meet the methodological criteria that define the scientific status of innovational scientific schools in modern psychology.Downloads
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How to Cite
СеменовИ. Н. (2012). Research Directions in the Innovative Psychology of Reflexion in the Higher School of Economics. Psychology. Journal of the Higher School of Economics, 9(3), 37-57.
To the 10-Year Anniversary of the Psychology Department of NRU HSE