Time and Space in Interpersonal Relationships

  • Алла Константиновна Болотова Department of General and Experimental Psychology; Board of Tenured Professors
Keywords: life space and time, temporal competence, transspectives and strategies of life, spatio-temporal balance


The paper analyses the temporal and spatial aspects of interpersonal relationships and the specific ways the factors of time and space play their role in this domain. These social-psychological phenomena are analyzed as multidimensional integral formations, the origin and functioning of which may be understood in category of chronotope and psychology of time. The methodological basis of such a view of communicative activity and interpersonal relationships themselves is the admission of fact of unity of interpersonal relationships and activity, when relationships are viewed as a side of joint activity, as its original derivative (G.M. Andreeva) in the whole system of social relationships that evolve in space and time. The author views temporal strategies and behavioral repertoire of personality, shows how they shift and occur in time or “are derealized” in plans and structures of behavior dependent on the events in present, past or planned future. In the same plane the specifics of regarding temporal factor in interpersonal relationships is analyzed. Each event in life or in social contact has its timeframe, which may be indefinite, or has either premature or overdue status, or become timely and urgent. Time becomes the fundamental factor of behavioral strategy choice: in every moment of relationship the interlocutor needs to be given time for solving own problems, not to be forestalled or interpreted prematurely. It is important to take into account not only immediate effects of impact. On the basis of scientific empirical data it is confirmed that the most deep and fundamental influences are the postponed psychological effects of interpersonal relationships (B.G. Anan’ev, N.I. Lisina, K.A. Abulhanova, L.A. Petrovskaya). Herewith it is important to take notice of the interlocutor’s emotional state in the ‘here-and-now’ and to be ready to invest one’s own time into understanding and empathizing with the other person. In difficult life situations it is important to achieve an active and timely coordination between the actors of their subjective time and space of their interaction, to achieve the so-called ‘spatio-temporal balance’ in order to coordinate their actions and construct their temporal ‘transspectives’ and life strategies. Thus, time have a multi-value influence with the specifics of spatio-temporal organization of activity and interpersonal relationships of a person in modern rapidly changing world. One may assert that time is one of the important but exceptionally little used reserves of psychic organization of personality and its interpersonal relationships in society.


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How to Cite
БолотоваА. К. (2012). Time and Space in Interpersonal Relationships. Psychology. Journal of the Higher School of Economics, 9(3), 22-36. https://doi.org/10.17323/1813-8918-2012-3-22-36
To the 10-Year Anniversary of the Psychology Department of NRU HSE