Role of the Lateral Asymmetry in Response Inhibition Task in Event-Related Potentials Components
The research is dedicated to the issue of realization of inhibition as the function of cognitive control in people with various characteristics of lateral asymmetry – right or left hand or eye dominance. Groups of the subjects with right or left dominant eye, as well as right- or lefthanded solved the problems of Go/NoGo of various perceptual complexity. As a result, significant differences were found in the amplitude of components of evoked potentials N200 and P300. The differences in the amplitude N200 in the right temporal lead were found between the subjects with the right and left vectors of lateral asymmetry in 2 tasks in both conditions (Go and NoGo) in the lead T6, and they may speak for the independence of color processing of stimuli from the need to inhibit the response, as well as for the fact that in the early stage of processing the stimuli there are differences in color processing. The differences in the amplitude of the component P300 are seen in a wide range of leads and may be linked to perceptual complexity of the visual stimuli. The usage of cognitive control responses varies in groups with right and left vectors of lateral asymmetry. In the task where the relevant stimuli are out of the context, more differences are registered in the condition that demands inhibition of the irrelevant response (NoGo); in the task where stimuli are integrated in the context, more differences are registered in the condition that doesn’t demand the inhibition (Go). This fact speaks for the differences in performance of control in subjects with various types of lateral asymmetry, when they answer various types of stimuli.
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