Cultural Relevance of Abilities and Psychometric Properties of Cognitive Tests

  • Екатерина Александровна Валуева Institute of Psychology of Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Софья Сергеевна Белова Institute of Psychology of Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Ольга Андреевна Морозова Institute of Psychology of Russian Academy of Sciences
Keywords: intelligence, structure of intelligence, genetics, environment, culture


The article discuss the issue of relations between intelligence and socio-cultural environment. The subject is approached in the framework of structural dynamic theory of intelligence. The central question of biological and cultural approaches is “How is the intelligence formed and which factors are the pivotal?” The advantage of the structural dynamic approach is that while it accepts the facts of the biological approach, it reinterprets them and shows the role of social and cultural factors. The structural dynamic approach uses concepts “cognitive potential” and “cultural relevance of intellectual functions”. The cognitive potential of an individual (as reflected in the general factor of intelligence — g) may be allocated to various spheres, depending on tasks that are imposed by cultural and social environment. The cognitive potential is manifested to a greater degree in abilities, which are more demanded by the environment. The article discusses the mechanisms of influence of the environment on the structure of intelligence. The structure of intelligence in characterized by the set of factors, included into g, by the relations between those factors, and by the level of development of abilities, which are constitute various factors. According to the proposed approach, the socio-cultural environment does not influence the set of factors, included in the structure of intelligence, but it changes the relations between the factors, and the scores of these factors in the sample. The empirical data is provided that proves this perspective. Thus, for example, cross-cultural studies show invariance of the factor structure in the samples from different countries, but low cross-national validity of the test norms. The data of the authors’ research with Wechsler test shows that the value in the society of any given cognitive ability is linked with its loading on the general factor and the indices of heritability.


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How to Cite
ВалуеваЕ. А., БеловаС. С., & МорозоваО. А. (2018). Cultural Relevance of Abilities and Psychometric Properties of Cognitive Tests. Psychology. Journal of the Higher School of Economics, 14(3), 491-500.
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