Appraisal of Psychological Well-Being as Decision Making Process: Specificity of Subjective Criteria in Mental Illness (in Non-Psychotic Depression and a First Psychotic Episode in Youth)

  • Елена Игоревна Рассказова National Research University Higher School of Economics
  • Сергей Николаевич Ениколопов The Mental Health Research Center
  • Виктор Викторович Гульдан Moscow Region Center of Social and Forensic Psychiatry
Keywords: quality of life, satisfaction in life, subjective happiness, subjective criteria of well-being, non-psychotic depression, remission after a psychotic episode, youth


Subjective appraisal of quality of life, satisfaction and happiness is considered as a result of the decision making process, which could have different subjective criteria both in normative sample and in mental illnesses. We use concepts “satisfaction with life”, “happiness” and “quality of life” as concrete aspects of integrative “psychological well-being” developing in different approaches. Using Quality of Life and Enjoyment Questionnaire (version for mental illnesses, Ritsner et al., 2005) and Lyubomirsky’s Happiness Scale we compared in moderation analysis the contribution of the quality of life in different domains to the general appraisal of life satisfaction and subjective happiness in the three groups of young men (17-28 years old): non-psychotic depressive patients (n1 = 76), patients developing remission after the first psychotic episode (n2 = 90) and respondents without mental illness (n3 = 185). Although all domains are important in different degrees for the general appraisal of satisfaction and happiness, in non-psychotic depression health, emotional sphere and functioning during the day are more important to their lives, compared with the two other groups. Patients developing remission after psychotic episode are less oriented to the emotional and social domains as well as financial well-being than participants from other two groups. The results are discussed in terms of the cognitive approach to understanding and psychotherapy for mental illnesses with an emphasis on the importance of taking into account subjective criteria and process of appraisal of general well-being in patients.



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How to Cite
РассказоваЕ. И., ЕниколоповС. Н., & ГульданВ. В. (2018). Appraisal of Psychological Well-Being as Decision Making Process: Specificity of Subjective Criteria in Mental Illness (in Non-Psychotic Depression and a First Psychotic Episode in Youth). Psychology. Journal of the Higher School of Economics, 14(2), 298-319.
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