Entrepreneurial Intention and Values: Results from a Russian Population Survey
values, theory of planned behaviour, entrepreneurial behaviour
This article examines the relationship between value orientations and Entrepreneurial Intention according to Reasoned Action Approach. The empirical base of this study relied on the results of a representative survey conducted in 2 regions of Russia (the Central Federal District and the North Caucasian Federal District). The total sample included 2,061 respondents. Interviews were conducted with representative samples of 1,026 respondents from the Central Federal District of Russia, including Moscow, and 1,035 respondents from the North Caucasian Federal District of Russia. It A subsample (269 pers.) was selected from this sample. The subsample was composed of the respondents intending to open a business in the next 2 years. The results of research carried out in the framework of Reasoned Action Approach allowed us to confirm the validity of the Theory of Planned Behaviour in the Russian sample. The questionnaire included methods related to the assessment of values (PVQ-R), entrepreneurial intentions, and demographic variables. To establish convergent and divergent validity of all the constructs of the theory of planned behaviour, attitudes toward the behaviour, social norms, perceived behavioural control, and intention as well as an additionally introduced concept of implementation intention, we tested our measurement model simultaneously for all measures. For this purpose we conducted a simultaneous confirmatory factor analysis using maximum likelihood estimation for estimating all parameters. It was also found that the value of Self-Direction (Action) is positively associated with the components of the model of entrepreneurial planned behaviour (attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavioural control). Value of Security (Personal) is negatively associated with an attitude toward the idea of opening a new business.Downloads
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How to Cite
ШмидтП., & ТатаркоА. Н. (2016). Entrepreneurial Intention and Values: Results from a Russian Population Survey. Psychology. Journal of the Higher School of Economics, 13(2), 240-255. https://doi.org/10.17323/1813-8918-2016-2-240-255
Transmission of Values and Their Impact on Attitudes of People in Different Cultures