Values and Attitudes in Americans' Public Opinion

  • Андрей Полетаев
  • Ирина Савельева Poletayev Institute for Theoretical and Historical Studies in the Humanities; Board of Tenured Professors
Keywords: values, social attitudes, mass representations, public opinion


Article investigates basic values and attitudes of American citizens in the last decade. Analysis is based on the results of several special surveys conducted in the USA in 1990s – first half of 2000s, as well as on answers to single questions included in different public opinion polls. The major objects of analysis include religious attitudes, moral values, attitudes to human rights and civil freedoms, evaluation of technical progress and social changes, attitudes to success achievement and some other.


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How to Cite
ПолетаевА., & СавельеваИ. (2011). Values and Attitudes in Americans’ Public Opinion. Russian Sociological Review, 5(1), 82-101. Retrieved from
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