Siberian village: twenty years of reforms. Book Review: Kalugina, Z. Fadeeva O. Russian Village in the labyrinth of reforms: sociological sketches.

  • Сергей Карнаухов European university at St.Petersburg, 3 Gagarinskaia Street, St. Petersburg, 191187, Russia
  • Наталья Черемных The Centre for Independent Social Research and Education, 6 Lenina street, Irkutsk, 664011, Russia
Keywords: agrarian development, agrarian economy, land relations, agrarian labor market, abandoned villages, deprivation of agrarian communities


Monograph devoted to institutional and social transformations of Russian village in the last decades is reviewed. The transformation process which occurred in the agrarian sector in 1990-2000 within the diversity and the phenomenon of abandoned villages are discussed. Proof of post-crisis model of agrarian development is given.


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How to Cite
КарнауховС., & ЧеремныхН. (2011). Siberian village: twenty years of reforms. Book Review: Kalugina, Z. Fadeeva O. Russian Village in the labyrinth of reforms: sociological sketches. Russian Sociological Review, 9(1), 91-92. Retrieved from
Book reviews