Siberian village: twenty years of reforms. Book Review: Kalugina, Z. Fadeeva O. Russian Village in the labyrinth of reforms: sociological sketches.
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agrarian development
agrarian economy
land relations
agrarian labor market
abandoned villages
deprivation of agrarian communities

How to Cite

КарнауховС., & ЧеремныхН. (2011). Siberian village: twenty years of reforms. Book Review: Kalugina, Z. Fadeeva O. Russian Village in the labyrinth of reforms: sociological sketches. Russian Sociological Review, 9(1), 91-92. Retrieved from


Monograph devoted to institutional and social transformations of Russian village in the last decades is reviewed. The transformation process which occurred in the agrarian sector in 1990-2000 within the diversity and the phenomenon of abandoned villages are discussed. Proof of post-crisis model of agrarian development is given.

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