Ethno-Cultural Aspects of the Entrepreneurship and Employment of the Population in the Rebublic of Sakha (Yyakutiya)

  • Агата Местникова Институт гуманитарных исследований Академии наук Республики Саха  ( Якутия )  
Keywords: business, economic behavior, ethno-cultural factors, system of beliefs, working behavior


The main idea of the paper is with the help of socio-cultural approach to show the impact of the ethno cultural factors on the peculiarities of economy and economic behavior of Sakha population. The author tries to tackle the following issues: 1) basics of the beliefs system of the Sakha population that affect the everyday life economic behavior; 2) elements of the traditional economic behavior of Sakha population through the ethnic folk literature (proverbs); 3) the peculiarities of the working behavior of the population; 4) the impact of ethno-cultural factors on business development in the region. 

Author Biography

Агата Местникова, Институт гуманитарных исследований Академии наук Республики Саха  ( Якутия )  

К. соц . н .,  научный сотрудник отдела изучения социально - политических процессов Института гуманитарных исследований Академии наук Республики Саха  ( Якутия )  

How to Cite
МестниковаА. (2010). Ethno-Cultural Aspects of the Entrepreneurship and Employment of the Population in the Rebublic of Sakha (Yyakutiya). Journal of Economic Sociology, 6(3), 49-69.
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