Network Privatization of Russian Science: Changes in the Practice of Knowledge and Technology Transferring

  • Наталья Владимировна Глебовская Институте исследования науки и техники
Keywords: network approach, commercialization of knowledge, knowledge production, innovative enterprises


The paper considers the changing practices of knowledge and technology transfer in Russian economy. One of key goals of the economic reforms was to accelerate the scientific and technological progress in account for the improvement of the interrelation between science and production. For this purpose the state suggested new formal institutions that better correspond to the market requirements. Institute of patents and license are among them. However the use of patent system came to be ineffective and the knowledge and technology transfer more often relies on informal relations raising as the result of scientists migration and set up of spin-off companies. Structural formations that provide the transfer of knowledge and technology has network character what leads to formation of more formalized inter-organizational relations. The share of the state companies in the field of research and development is still rather high but the border between private and social ownership in people beliefs is watering down. The process could be called network privatization of science. The research is base on the results of case-studies in the separate research organizations.

Author Biography

Наталья Владимировна Глебовская, Институте исследования науки и техники

Независимый исследователь. Санкт-Петербург
Аассоцированный член Graduate School при Институте исследования науки и техники. Билефельд, Германия

How to Cite
ГлебовскаяН. В. (2010). Network Privatization of Russian Science: Changes in the Practice of Knowledge and Technology Transferring. Journal of Economic Sociology, 9(3), 60-75.
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