Social Network Analysis in the Context of Various Scienti c and Applied Disciplines

XVIIIth April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development, 11–14 April 2017, Moscow, Russia

  • Stanislav Moiseev National research university Higher School of Economics
  • Ilya Karpov National research university Higher School of Economics
  • Karina Miftahutdinova National research university Higher School of Economics
  • Oksana Mikhailova National research university Higher School of Economics
Keywords: social network analysis (SNA), network science, mathematical models, communication networks, collaboration networks, data envelopment analysis (DEA)


A “Network Analysis” section was arranged at the XVIIIth Interna- tional Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development at the Higher School of Economics on 11–12 April 2017. For the third year, this section invited scholars from sociology, political science, management, mathematics, and linguistics who use network analysis in their research projects. During the sessions, speakers discussed the development of mathematical models used in network analysis, studies of collaboration and communication networks, networks’ in- uence on individual attributes, identi cation of latent relationships and regularities, and application of network analysis for the study of concept networks. The speakers in this section were E. V. Artyukhova (HSE), G. V. Gra- doselskaya (HSE), M. Е. Erofeeva (HSE), D. G. Zaitsev (HSE), S. A. Isaev (Adidas), V. A. Kalyagin (HSE), I. A. Karpov (HSE), A. P. Koldanov (HSE), I. I. Kuznetsov (HSE), S. V. Makrushin (Fi- nancial University), V. D. Matveenko (HSE), A. A. Milekhina (HSE), S. P. Moiseev (HSE), Y. V. Priestley (HSE), A. V. Semenov (HSE), I. B. Smirnov (HSE), D. A. Kharkina (HSE, St. Petersburg), C. F. Fey (Aalto University School of Business), and F. López-Iturriaga (Uni- versity of Valladolid).

Author Biographies

Stanislav Moiseev, National research university Higher School of Economics

MA in Sociology, Postgraduate student, Faculty of Social Sciences. Higher School of Economics
Research Assistantat the International Laboratory for Applied Network Research. Higher School of Economics 
Address: 20 Myasnitskaya str., 101000, Moscow, Russian Federation

Ilya Karpov, National research university Higher School of Economics

Junior Research Fellow, International Laboratory for Applied Network Analysis. Higher School of Economics 
Address: 20 Myasnitskaya str., 101000, Moscow, Russian Federation

Karina Miftahutdinova , National research university Higher School of Economics

BA student, Faculty of Social Sciences
Research Assistantat the International Laboratory for Applied Network Research, Higher School of Economics
Address: 20 Myasnitskaya str., 101000, Moscow, Russian Federation

Oksana Mikhailova, National research university Higher School of Economics

BA student, Faculty of Social Sciences Research
Assistant the International Laboratory for Applied Network Research, Higher School of Economics 
Address: 20 Myasnitskaya str., 101000, Moscow, Russian Federation

How to Cite
MoiseevS., KarpovI., Miftahutdinova K., & MikhailovaO. (2017). Social Network Analysis in the Context of Various Scienti c and Applied Disciplines. Journal of Economic Sociology, 18(3), 152-159.